We help you get to the core of customer satisfaction in skilled nursing and assisted living. We understand the importance of the CoreQ process and will keep you informed of new developments which improve your facilities.
CoreQ is a set of measurements that are used to assess patient, resident, and family member satisfaction at nursing facilities and in assisted living communities. The purpose of this measurement is to create a standard so people can make comparisons between facilities and communities. The results show up on American Health Care Association’s website in Trend Tracker.
At Care Analytics, we understand the importance of CoreQ. We are involved in the CoreQ process and will keep you informed of new developments.
We administer surveys for our customers and upload the data into Trend Tracker. We review your CoreQ data monthly and upload it to LTC Trend Tracker when your communities meet the CoreQ requirements and achieve the maximum number of CoreQ survey responses.
As an approved vendor for CoreQ, Care Analytics can improve where you stand against other facilities on the American Health Care Association’s Trend Tracker.
Skilled nursing and assisted living residents and family members each have their own sets of three to four questions. These are the questions you might find on the standardized surveys:
In recommending this facility to your friends and family, how would you rate it overall?
Overall, how would you rate the staff?
How would you rate the care you receive?
How would you rate how well your discharge needs were met?*
* This question is only asked to discharged residents.
The results of the survey are combined to create a single measure that is reported as a percentage. It is calculated by adding all the positive responses and dividing them by the total number of scores received. The percentage essentially shows how many of the respondents gave you positive feedback.
The CoreQ questions can be asked on their own or as part of an existing customer satisfaction survey. The results of the survey are combined to create a single measure that is reported as a percentage. The percentage essentially shows how many of the respondents gave you positive feedback.
To enter data into Trend Tracker, you must be a satisfaction survey vendor.
To qualify to show up on Trend Tracker, your facility must meet these two qualifications.
A center/community must have a minimum of 20 valid responses (for example the denominator must be greater or equal to 20). Trend Tracker accepts results for centers/communities with less than 20 valid responses, but these responses are not included in aggregate calculations or analyses. To have a valid response, the respondent:
Must have all items answered or only one question missing on the CoreQ; AND
Does not meet any of the exclusion criteria (see exclusion criteria for each CoreQ questionnaire in questionnaire administration); AND
Must receive responses within two months of the person being sent the questionnaire.
A center/community must also have a minimum response rate of valid responses for at least 30% or greater. To calculate the response rate, count all the valid responses (see the Minimum Sample Size above) divided by the number of people who were given the survey to complete. Trend Tracker will accept results with response rates less than 30% but will not include those those rates in any aggregate analyses or calculations. If you utilize phone surveys, the response rate is the number of people who completed the survey divided by the number of people they actually reached by phone.
Long-Stay and Assisted Living surveys can be aggregated for up to six months to meet minimum response rate and sample size requirements.
Here are some reasons why you should consider adding CoreQ to your current satisfaction survey:
To become aware of what your scores are before they become public.
To have time to improve your scores if they are below average.
To share your CoreQ scores with referral partners as CoreQ becomes the satisfaction standard across the SNF care spectrum.